What the Children Do
Story of the Day
In Science we have been learning all about ourselves. We have been looking at human growth, going from a baby to an adult. Part of our learning focused on what a baby needs when they are born and the role of a midwife. We were delighted to have a visit from Laura who taught us all about what a baby needs and what her role was as a midwife. Thank you for visiting Laura, the children now know lots of facts from your visit.
Here are some of the facts we learnt-
A baby might use a dummy- Layla
They may have a bottle of milk- Archie
Midwives look after the baby and the mummy- Diana
A baby has a special check from their head to their feet when they are born- Cleo
A baby need lots of nappy changes- Nella
When they are born they need a blanket to keep them warm- Gracie
Some have special milk to drink- Archie
Some are born with teeth- Nolan
If a baby has a problem the midwife talks to the doctor- Charlie
A baby needs a cot to sleep in- Zara
A baby needs lots of cuddles- Callum
A baby needs lots of sleep- Cleo
A baby feeds every 3 hours- Ugam
A baby needs lots of clothes- Aiden
A baby needs a lot of care and love- Layla and Nella
They need toys to play with- Gracie