School Information
School Vision, Aims and Values
School Improvement and Development Plan
Tower Hill Tour
Role and aims
Governor Details
Governor NewslettersMinutes of FGB Meetings 2024.25
Minutes of FGB Meetings 2023.24
Minutes of Finance and Personnel Meetings 2023.24
Minutes of Premises 2023.24
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SEND Information Report
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The governing body's main tasks are to set the strategic direction and improvement of the school, support and challenge the school, and hold the school to account for the standards and quality of education it achieves. The governing body is made up of two parent governors, eight co-opted governors, one Local Education Authority (LEA) governor, one staff governor and the head teacher. Parent and staff governors are elected and co-opted governors are appointed by the governing body.
Contacting the Governors
The governing body is always keen to hear the views of anyone interested in the welfare of our school. Messages can be left at the school office by letter or phone for either the Clerk to the Governors or the Chair of Governors, Camilla Collins.
Minutes of Meetings
The most recent minutes of governing body meetings can be downloaded through the menu on the left and minutes of earlier meetings are available on request from the school office. Occasionally there will be confidential items in the minutes which will not be published.
The governors normally meet once each half-term as a Full Governing Body and at least once a term there will also be meetings of the Finance and Personnel Committee and the Premises Committee.