School Information
School Vision, Aims and Values
School Improvement and Development Plan
Tower Hill Tour
Role and aims
Governor Details
Governor NewslettersMinutes of FGB Meetings 2024.25
Minutes of FGB Meetings 2023.24
Minutes of Finance and Personnel Meetings 2023.24
Minutes of Premises 2023.24
Our team
Government policies
SEND Information Report
Sports Premium & Events
We strongly believe that the ethos at Tower Hill Primary School creates an environment where all members of our community, including children, parents, staff and governors, can learn. We know that by working in partnership in a positive, caring and supportive environment, people develop a sense of belonging and feel valued. We understand the impact of self-esteem on motivation and the ability to learn.
Our Mission Statement for Teaching for Learning reflects our understanding and beliefs:
At Tower Hill Primary School we strive to provide high quality teaching which will inspire and motivate children to engage in their learning. We commit ourselves to our own development, always seeking to improve our practice. Placing an emphasis on first-hand experiences, hand-in-hand with the tools for learning, we aim for our teaching to lead to learning that is real, relevant and will support our children to leave equipped for life: able to make their own informed choices, with aspirations to succeed and a life-long desire to learn.