What the Children Do
Story of the Day
Day One
After an uneventful (but excited and fairly loud) coach trip, we arrived at Osmington Bay. The children were in awe of the amazing sea views! We had a delicious lunch of pizza and chips before heading off to the Sailing Centre for dragon boating: three boats competing to see who would be crowned as the champions.
Day Two
After a restful night sleep, we have had a busy day conquering fears and showing amazing resilience and determination. All groups have tried Laser Tag and Aeroball with groups also attempting climbing, giant swing and vertical challenge. We have been so impressed with the children’s desire to challenge themselves and go a little bit higher each time.
We have visited the shop for the first time and (with the help of calculators) tried to budget and spend our money wisely!
Tonight we are doing the PGL Challenge: a series of games and activities designed to test our communication and team work skills.
Fingers crossed for good weather tomorrow as we are raft building!
Day Three
Following another restful night, we enjoyed a cooked breakfast before heading back to the Sailing Centre for raft building. The children worked in their groups to build a raft out of poles, barrels and rope. These were then tested in the marina. Although the water was cold, much fun was had by all.
This afternoon, we all completed the sensory trail: an obstacle course while wearing blindfold. There were obstacles to step over, climb under and even a maze to complete.
Groups also tried the giant swing, zip wire or abseiling. Many fears were overcome and all of the children gained confidence to go a little bit higher. We are very proud of them all.
This evening we have enjoyed singing around a camp fire.
Day Four
It has been another busy day: we have enjoyed orienteering, abseiling, zip wire, archery and climbing. A fabulous final day of activities. We are so proud of how the children have approached every challenge. They have truly shown the Tower Hill values and been a credit to the school.
This evening we have enjoyed a disco; dancing the night away with a number of classic dance routines. The children have had lots of fun and made some new friends.
The children are busy packing their cases and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.