Welcome to Skylon class!
We are getting right back into it after the summer break! We are looking forward to all the exciting learning that is going to happen and will regularly update the website to give you a glimpse into the children's days and their learning.
If there is anything you wish to know, or you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Stillwell, Ms Dusserre or any member of the Year 4 team. You can also contact us by emailing skylon@towerhill.hants.sch.uk and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. Don't forget the door is always open if you need anything.
PE days
Our P.E. lessons will take place on a Wednesday this term. Please ensure your child comes dressed in their P.E. kit on these days unless told otherwise. Your child will need to wear dark coloured shorts and a white t-shirt for indoor P.E. sessions and for outdoor P.E. sessions they will need to wear trainers/plimsolls, a white t-shirt, dark bottoms and the Tower Hill P.E. sweatshirt if the weather is cold. P.E. sweatshirts are available from the office. Please ensure that all of your child’s uniform, including P.E kit, has their full name inside, especially jumpers.
We are also taking part in a 6-week swimming course at Nuffield Health Centre every Thursday. Children are required to wear either a one-piece swim suit or sensible swimming shorts and a swimming hat (provided last term). They should also bring a towel with them. Long hair should also be tied back so that it doesn’t go in their faces. Children are also recommended to wear swimming goggles. If your child would find it easier when getting changed, they can come to school in their PE kit on swimming days.
All children will have a reading book that is matched to their reading ability. These will be coming home along with their reading records. We ask that, if possible, the children read three times per week at home. You may wish to sign and date their reading records and include any comments you have about their reading. It is important that the children bring their reading book in to school every day. Any support that you can give at home is always appreciated.
Homework will be sent home every half term in the form of a homework menu. The children will have a range of different tasks to complete across the half term. We ask that the children try to complete at least three out of the six tasks from the homework menu each half term but we would love to see any learning that takes place at home.
Breaktime snacks
We would like to remind you that as a school we insist on healthy snacks like fruit and vegetables. The children are welcome to bring in a healthy snack for breaktime. The children are also encouraged to bring in water bottles to stay hydrated.