What the Children Do
Story of the Day
Story of the Day
National Story Telling Week 2023 Geronimo, read by Mrs Stevenson Room on the Broom, read by Mrs Armsworth The Wonky Donkey, read by Mrs Hopkinson Mouse, Mole and the Falling Star, read by Mrs Mistry Squash and a Squeeze, read by Mrs Armsworth Stick Man, read by Mr Kennedy How to Hide a Lion From Grandma, read by Mrs Meaney Hey Grandude!, read by Mrs Ward The Gruffalo, read by Miss Knight Winnie's Dinosaur, read by Miss Ramsier Who ate the cake, read by Mrs Cartlidge Superhero Hotel, read by Miss Stratton There's a Monster in your book, read by Miss Dinsdale Puffin Peter, read by Mr Collins Fidgety Fish, read by Miss Ovenden Blown Away, read by Miss Knight The Crocodile who didn't like Water, read by Mrs Stevenson Sharing a Shell, read by Mrs Amero Tiddler, read by Mrs Armsworth The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet, read by Miss Ramsier Monsters Not Allowed, read by Mrs Hopkinson The Pig in the Pond, read by Miss Riley Mr Gumpy's Outing, read by Miss Carter Dinosaurs in the Super Market, read by Mrs Bavastock The Smartest Giant in Town, read by Mr Kennedy The Book with No Pictures, read by Miss Fensome My Adventure Island, read by Mr Ward The Snail and the Whale, read by Miss Bradley Dylan the Shopkeeper, read by Mrs Cartlidge Giraffes Can't Dance, read by Miss Stratton Supertato, read by Miss Dinsdale The Disgusting Sandwich, read by Mrs Ward Va-t'en Grand Monstre Vert!, read by Mr Collins The Tiger Who Came to Tea, read by Miss OvendenWellbeing
Take a look here to access different stories read by your teachers. We have all chosen one of our favourite stories to share with you. We hope you enjoy watching and listening as much as we have enjoyed reading them!